Adding a tile backsplash to my camper is something I've wanted to do since we first bought our little Coleman Santa Fe. It adds so much visual appeal and makes the kitchen area feel a little more homey. I wasn't sure how to incorporate the tile look into the kitchen of our camper, as we don't have … [Read more...]
Camper Mods & Maintenance
How to Clean & Care for Your Pop Up Camper Exterior
The first thing we did when we got back from our 4,500 mile road trip, was give our little PUP a bath... okay, maybe not the first thing, but it was not long after. ;-) After 22 days on the road, she was looking a little haggard, but we knew under all that road grime, she was really very lovely. … [Read more...]
How to Use {& Care For} Your Pop Up Camper Cassette Toilet
One of the most convenient things about our pop up camper is our cassette toilet. I never imagined we would use it as frequently as we do. In fact, when we were shopping for campers, I didn't even have a potty on our "must haves" list. Late night bathroom trips in bear country quickly changed my … [Read more...]
Cleaning & Waterproofing Pop Up Camper Canvas
Since I first wrote this post, I've learned quite a bit more about cleaning your pop up camper canvas. I figured it was time to update a few things. There are some new tips here, so if you've read this post before, it is worth a second read. You might learn something new! And if you … [Read more...]
How to Grease and Repack Your Trailer Bearings
Today's post is on a subject that intimidated me for a very long time. Mr. TypeTwoFun came from a handy family, so this was no big deal to him, but for me... well, let's just say the thought of writing a post on trailer bearings made me want to cry. Can't we just talk about curtains ...and bedding … [Read more...]
Our Gray Water System
When I first got our little pop up camper, I didn't know the first thing about fresh water, gray water, or black water systems. I mean, I knew black water was the stinky stuff, but not much more than that. ;-) We have a sink in the PUP, but technically I had no idea where the water came from or … [Read more...]